How To Host a DJRef Room

What You'll Need

  • A connected smartphone, laptop or desktop
  • A TV with an Amazon Fire TV Stick running Fire OS 6.0 or higher(why?)
  • A love of music and a desire to manage your hooligan friends' insane playlist demands – DJRef lets them request, but you keep control!

Step 1 – Create your Account/Room

  • From your phone, laptop or desktop browser: go to
  • Click "Host a Room"
  • Create an account, or log in - a room session (with code) will automatically start
  • Important! Now on the "Add a Video" tab, search for a video and select "Add to Queue"
Step 1

Step 2 – Set up your TV

  • On your TV: download and install the DJRef app via your Amazon Fire TV Stick (instructions below)
  • Run the DJRef app, then log in with the same account email address and password you created on - your current room session will automatically start
Step 2